Friday, May 3, 2013

Digital 13--Elements of Design

 Form 1--My mom has a ton of these little statues.  We give them to her for birthdays, mother day, and Christmas.  They mean a lot to her and to us.  I set up this stature near the window to get good shadows.
 Shape 2--This is a glass portrait of a horse.  I keep it in my window, and during the day the light shine through to show the horse.  It's a flat piece of glass, but it looks 3-D.  I think it's really interesting, and framed by the window pane.
 Line 1--This is one of my horse back riding awards.  It's one of the best you can get, and I'm really proud of it.  I dropped it on my floor and it created a nice pattern, with a nice diagonal line.
 Line 2--These catterpillars are so cute! Except for the fact that they destroy trees. Anyway, they're really challanging to photograph because they're always moving.  They have nice lines though.
 Shape 1--These are on my wall, and they're handpainted.  I really love these things.  They're so interesting.  And they're flat, so they work well for this.
 Form 2--Flowers in my yard.  They're really pretty, but the bees were scary.  I got the shot and ran.  The sun makes it look very three-d and solid.
 Texture 1--The dust on these leaves make them look soft and rough at the same time.  The light was perfect, so i set up and took the shot.
 Texture 2--This is a wreath in my hallway.  It's very textured, with the beads on the berries on the branches on the circle.  The light was a little flat though.
 Value 1--I keep this plant on my bedside table.  i though the light was really nice.  Half of it is darker, and the other bits are really bright.
Value 2--I thought this was really cute.  It's our childhood play ground, and it's half buried in the trees. the lights and shadows are nice and very interesting.

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