Thursday, February 21, 2013

Film 1 & 2 Motion, Depth

 This leaf was on my porch railing one day.  As I got closer, I noticed the interesting dots on its underside, so I took the shot very close and with hardly any depth.  I believe it turned out nicely.
 This is the drive to my favorite place, my barn. I've always loved how there are woods on both sides of the fenced road.  I used a wide aperature and took in lots of depth.

 Contact sheet.
 This is my puppy Andy.  This shot is pure luck; I didn't have anything set on my camera, and i jut shot a very quick picture.  I was lucky to get such a great motion shot.
This is my puppy Jasper.  He was walking, and I shot him with a fast shutter speed, fast enough to freeze his body, but not his head.

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