Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Digital 1 & 2 Depth and Motion

 I shot this ivy on my porch.  I noticed that just a few leaves were poking up through the wood, as if they were reaching for the light.  I like how the line in between the boards lead into the ivy, and how I focused on one perfect leaf more than the other, more ragged ones, giving it a shallow depth.
 This is my puppy Henry.  He's a tibetian spaniel-toy poodle mix.  I stood at the base of a hill in my backyard and noticed him sniffing about.  I like how he has his own space, but I dont like how he's centered in the middle, although the tree helps to frame him.  Most of the picture is in focus, making this a greater depth.
 This is Henry again, rushing by me to get a treat. I love how his ears are flying back to indicate even more motion, and how he's slightly off center.
This is my dog Andy,  chasing my sister as a game.  I used a very fast shutter speed to catch this, but i dont like how my sister's leg is in the photo.

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