Friday, March 29, 2013

Film 5--Portraits, Getting Close

 This is my gorgeous sister Sarah.  She's thirteen.  I took this picture of her as we were driving to Richmond with our parents.  I love her eye in this one, and her freckles.  She's so awesome.
 One of the first flowers of spring--the daffodil.  I've always loved these beautiful, happy, bright little flowers. I love the yellow ones; they're like drops of sun among the dead branches.
Contact sheet, with some New York pictures up top.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Digital 8--Getting Close

 This is Yule's beautiful eyes as she laughs at something Michelle said.  It was a candid shot, and she looks so adorable here.  I really like how i got both eyes in and that she was looking away.  It looks very natural and pretty.
I love, love, love this photograph.  This is Michelle's eye, and it looks so perfect.  Her makeup s amazing and nice and dark, and her iris is so blue and textured that is barely looks real.  Her skin is somehow perfect.  Overall, i just love this picture.  It looks like something from a book.

Digital 7--Portraits

 This is my best friend, Michelle.  She's gorgeous.  We were on the New York trip together and i was just shooting pictures while we were eating lunch on Saturday.  I got this amazing, unposed, candid shot of Michelle smiling at something my other best friend, Yule, had said.  I love this picture.  She's framed by the pillar behind her and looks so relaxed and happy.
Yule, my best friend, agreed to let me take this picture of her on the board walk.  I took quite a few photos, but in this one Yule was just ending a smile, and looked really sincere and serene and beautiful.  I love this photo a lot.  She is just gorgeous, and i love her little dimple.  This is mostly candid, because she didn't know i took this picture, but she looks amazing.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Film 4--Texture, Hands

 I knit a lot.  It's a hobby that my best friend in the whole world, Elisabeth, taught me.  Here, my mother is holding my ball of yarn.  I had a lamp off to the right, and the texture in the yarn i really prominent.
 Contact Sheet.
This is my mommy's hand.  I love her so much :) she has really nice veins and wrinkles and such (don't tell her that) which makes for a nice hand to photograph.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Digital 5-Texture

This is my new jacket. I heaped it on the table and noticed the interesting texture of the cloth. It's lit from the window as well as the kitchen light. I love this jacket, and it looked quite interesting.
My new bag that I carry everywhere. It has lots of texture and patterns on it. I threw it on my kitchen table and snapped a couple of pictures of it for the texture of it.

Digital 6-Hands

These are my daddy's hands. He has nice hands to photograph, because they're quite textured and hairy. (haha). I had him position his hands on the table so the light hit them in a way that created lots of shadows and such.
Again, these are my dad's hands. I again had him put his hands on the table and shot them. In this photo, you can see the texture of his veins on his left hand (our right side.)